Welcome to, Dhaka Pain Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center (DPRC) Ltd.

Opening Hours : Always Open
  Hotline : 09 666 77 44 11

Our Facilities and Packages

Spread the Care & Hospitality
Our Heath PackagesPharmacyAmbulanceLab FacilityLiftsNurse Station

আর্থিক সামর্থ্য অনুযায়ী বৎসরে  ১/২ বার স্বাস্থ্য পরীক্ষা করুন, সুস্থ্য থাকুন।

Our Packages

Spoiler title

Blood Analysis

Complete Blood Count (CBC Govt. Rate)
Blood Sugar
Serum Lipid Profile
Serum Creatinine
Serum Uric Acid

400 /=
170 /=
1200 /=
500 /=
400 /=
400 /=

Urine Analysis

Urine R/M/E

250 /=


x-Ray Chest P/A View
USG of Whole Abdomen

400 /=
500 /=
1200 /=


Review Of Medical Report
Nutritionist Advice

Total Amount: 5490/= ONLY

Classic Gold

Barometric Parameter

Height & Weight
Physical Examination By Doctor

Blood Analysis

Complete Blood Count (CBC Govt. Rate)
Blood Sugar
Serum Lipid Profile
Serum Urea

400 /=
170 /=
1200 /=
800 /=
400 /=
1000 /=

Kidney Analysis

Serum Creatinine
Uric Acid
Serum Electrolytes

400 /=
400 /=
900 /=

Liver Function

Serum Bilirubin
Alkaline Phosphatase

400 /=
500 /=
400 /=

Urine Analysis

Urine P/M/E

250 /=


x-Ray Chest + P/A View
USG Of Whole Abdomen
Echocar Diagram (4D Color Duplor)

500 /=
1200 /=
2500 /=


Post Screening
Review Of Medicine Report

Total Amount: 10290/= ONLY

Spoiler title

Biometric Parameter

Height & Weight
Body Mass Index(BMI)
Physical Examination By Doctor

Blood Analysis

Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Serum Creatinence
Blood Sugar + Cus. (Fasting and 2h ABR)

500 /=
400 /=
150 /=


x-Ray Chest P/A View
USG Pelnix

400 /=
500 /=
? /=

Urine Anay

Urine R/M/E

250 /=


Pap Swear

700 /=


Post Screening Consultation
Review Of Medicine Report
Nutritionist Advice

Total Amount: 3960/= ONLY

Spoiler title

Bio-metric Parameter

Height & Weight
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Physical Examination By Doctor

Blood Analysis

Blood Group
Serum Lepid Profile
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
HIV I and II (Elisa)
Hbs Ag
Thallasemia Study

150 /=
1100 /=
500 /=
1000 /=
800 /=

Urine Analysis

Urine R/M/E

250 /=


x-Ray Chest P/A View (100% Digital)

400 /=
500 /=


Post Secreening Consultation
Review Of Medical Report
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Nutritionist Advice

Total Amount: 4790/= ONLY

Pharmacy Provides Most Common Medicine To The Patients In a Reasonable Price and Provides 24/7 Services.

The hospital provides ambulance facility for attending to the emergency from outside and bring the causalities emergency patient to the hospital for treatment. Ambulance is available for the patients who are discharge and are recommended for complete rest. This facility will be available on payment basis with a fixed minimum charge depending upon the distance. The Ambulance will have all modern aid first facilities with ambu bags and oxygen.

Trained laboratory staff are providing best services. Laboratory is also available for carrying out specialized tests in DPRC Hospital. Our laboratory is well organized with latest equipments.

The hospital has two lift facilities for the movement of patients, doctors and wheel chairs, visitors etc.
Nurse all system provides with one console at each nursing station using advance electronic system consisting of an indication console located at the nurse station.



* Total 20 beds
* 24-hour Ambulance services
* OPD with all specialties
* 24-hour diagnostic services
* 24-hour Pharmacy
* 24-hour Blood Bank
* Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre
* Vaccination Centre


* Vaccination
* Pharmacy
* Dietetics & Nutrition
* Nursing



* Multidisciplinary team round-the-clock: This is designed to address the needs of patients within 24 hours of admission.
* Spiritual Service: We provide spiritual services for patients from different religions, as and when required.